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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Quote 777

"So many feelings swarming in my heart. So many thoughts buzzing in my head. So many decisions gnawing at my soul."

Quote 776

"How can something that's supposed to make you feel so complete, end up leaving you so empty?"

Quote 775

"There's a difference between who we love, who we settle for, and who we're meant for."

Quote 774

"If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it."

- John Irving

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Weeping Willow

Weeping willow with your tears running down, why do you always weep and frown? is it because she left you one day? is it because she could not stay? on your branches she would swing, do you love the happiness that she would bring? She found shelter in your shade, we thought her laughter would never fade! 

Weeping willow stop your tears, there is something to calm your fears, you think death as you do forever part, but i know she will always be in your heart! 

Emma Jane Rae

Saturday, September 15, 2012


"You can shed tears that she is gone, or you can smile because she has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back, or you can open your eyes and see all she's left. Your heart can be empty because you can't see her, or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember her only that she is gone, or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back. Or you can do what she'd want smile, open your eyes, love and go on."

If Only You Could Of Stayed

Constantly thinking, never to be the same, the tears fall quickly just hearing your name. Silence is golden yet not anymore silence brings thoughts I just can't ignore.The nights are sleepless, dreams out of reach. Crying in my pillow to you I beseech. Surrounded by family, I still feel alone. My heart is so empty, this pain I must own. I wish I could hug you and just see your face. But now I have memories to stand in your place. Gone but not forgotten, that's what they say. Of course that is true...but if only you could of stayed.

© CatherineLamberton

Quote 773

"Each time I miss you, a star falls down from the sky. So if you look up and find it dark, it is all your fault. You made me miss u too much!"

Quote 772

"There are those moments of life that I'll always remember. Not because they were important but because you were there with me."

Quote 771

"I cried today. Not because I miss you, or even wanted you. But because I realized I'm gonna be alright without you."


 How can you feel loved, when you feel empty inside? How can you be heard, when no one listens? How can you feel there is purpose, when you are lost? How can you love, when you don't feel loved? How can you speak, when you have no voice? How can you feel important, when you always comes last? How can you keep going, when there is no end? How can you keep trying, when there is nothing left? How can you long for, when you are just tire out?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Quote 770

"Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart."

-A Beautiful Mind (2001)

Quote 769

"Sometimes I regret being nice, apologizing when I didn't do anything wrong, and for making unworthy people a priority in my life."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Quote 768

"Some people are going to leave, but that's not the end of your story. That's the end of their part in your story."

Quote 767

"Don't educate your child to be rich, but to be happy, so when they grow up, they will know the value of things, not the price."

Quote 766

"Life's not always perfect, but it's always what you make it. So make it count, make it memorable and never let anyone steal your happiness."

Quote 765

"Keep the smile, leave the tension, feel the joy, forget the worry, hold the peace, leave the pain, and always be happy."